Monday, 25 August 2014

What Is Affiliate Marketing ?

The Basics

Affiliate marketing is a multi-billion dollar industry.  You would probably be amazed at how widely spread it is. But what is this thing ? Actually it is simply selling other people’s stuff - that’s all ! And it is also one of the most lucrative ways to make money online. It has made hundreds of thousands of people millionaires and many more make a living this way. But it is a business like any other and if you want to be profitable, you need to take it seriously. However, the purpose of this article is not to deeply explore affiliate marketing, but to give you a basic idea of what it is and how you can make money with it.

What Exactly Affiliate Marketing Is…
What Is Affiliate Marketing, pic

To be clearer, let’s take a look at an example … Imagine that John is an expert in making websites. He has something valuable – knowledge, that could help other people to make their own sites themselves. So John decides to create an e-book entitled “Build a Site in 5 Steps!”. That’s great, he writes it in a couple of weeks and puts a price tag of $50 for it. As a main marketing strategy, he chooses to use affiliate marketing. So he creates a site for his product and offers anyone the opportunity to sell his book for a commission of 50% of the price or $25. Michael comes across this offer, and he thinks that he can offer this book to the visitors of his site about web design. He writes an article about the book and includes a link (containing his affiliate id) to John's site.  Some of his visitors come across the article and after reading it, they click on the link and go straight to the e-book’s offer page. If someone decides to buy, she pays $50 for the book to John, and then John pays $25 commission to Michael for leading the customer. And this way everyone is happy! The buyer gets the book they want, the promoter gets paid, and the author receives the other half.
This is a pretty cool marketing strategy for John, because if his product is really good, it will sell well and he can attract a whole army of sellers marketing his product for him.
This is a good business for Michael (the affiliate marketer), who has no product of his own, but who gets half of the price as commission, simply for selling John’s stuff.
How to Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

So now you know how it works, you can try it yourself. The best thing is that you have nothing to lose! If you sell – you get a pay, if you don’t sell – you lose nothing! But where to start?
CLICKBANK.COM is the oldest, most trusted and reliable place to start.  It is the biggest affiliate site nowadays - to promote other people’s products (on your blog, webite or via email) for free or create your own product and list it there to be promoted. Creating a product is not that hard, if you are good at something you can make an e-book and then a decent income, Just register with CLICKBANK.COM and you can start right away ....

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